Galilee is a pearl of a natural beauty as much as it is a heart of both Christianity and Judaism.

It nature combines high mountains, dense forests, small rivers and big lakes.
Its history dates thousands years, and this is here where Kabala mystics was born 2,000 years ago, and is still fully alive.
This is Galilee, where the basics of the Rabbinic Judaism, the Talmud where laid.

This is Galilee, where Jesus teaches and makes miracles, healing the ill and reviving the dead.

And, indeed, this is also Galilee, where the last Battle of Humanity, Armageddon, will take place.

Safed and Capernaum, Magdala and Tiberias, Mount Meron and Mount Tabor, Lake of Galilee and Jordan River - there is not, possibly, a person on the whole Globe who haven't heard these names. And all these places are standing side by side at a small Northern corner of the small Israel. Amazing, isn't it?

Want to see all that? It's easy - just join one of our Galilee tours